This year I'm going to go ahead with this build:
The InWin X-Frame 2 has the perfect number of slot positions to properly accommodate this motherboard, but as the board has an AT form factor, the standard tapped standoff holes are in the wrong positions to accommodate this board. Rather than drill and tap new holes into this expensive motherboard tray, for now I plan to make use of period correct plastic standoffs, which I'll neatly epoxy into position, as the double-sided tape that they come fitted with won't offer a permanent solution.
I have a nice 1.22MB floppy drive as well as a SCSI DVD-ROM, both with black bezels, which I'll slot into the lower drive bays. (Seeing that it's a dual Pentium Pro, it will definitely need a floppy drive!)
I really hope that once I've flashed the BIOS to the latest revision, the Voodoo5 5500 PCI will fire up in this system!
I was able to get two of these drives for a very good price:
And these two CPU coolers: (NOS)
And 512MB (4x128MB) of this RAM: (Because of the PCI slot arrangement on this board, I'll only be able to slot 4 SIMMS and have everything fit!)
On this base board, PCI slots 4 and 5 share the same IRQ and the Media-Bus card card needs to go into slot 5, so I'm going to have to slot the SCSI RAID card into slot 2 (This is a very long card so it will block two of the RAM slots unfortunately!)
I'm probably going to slot a USB 2 card into slot 3.
And the Oxygen 202 will be replaced by the Voodoo5 5500 PCI if I can get the latest BIOS revision to fire it up: