The UNIX Files - An update

Very cool site, I like the nice software description and screenshots :)
Thanks guys! It has taken some time to get this off the ground. Life got in the way in multiple ways.

Added http/https (without enforcing SSL) for the downloads (the site already have it configured since some time).
So the downloads linked from the site should now be accessible regardless of platform and browser.

The main idea of "The UNIX Files" is to keep all the files accessible through FTP for easy batch downloading for mirroring purposes, and at the same time add important information and guides to the software pages on the site on how to get the software running. As we know, there's sometimes a lot of stuff to tinker with before you get proprietary software running regardless of UNIX derivative.

More to come! :)
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Some time before I announce a post of IRIX SPR ( Irix software preservation resource ). My main goal was recopile and document ¨how to work¨ all IRIX software possible in working order ( with licenses, patch or procedures ) all in one file for anyone can install and run. I think recopile, preserve and share this historical CGI apps was our legacy for the history of our lovely SGI machines.
Now I'm join forces with Knezzen and concentrate our efforts into Unix Files project.

Our main goal now is that all software published in the website area are tested and documented as how to install and make it work.
Of course the work done over the years by Ginzanix, Gijoe777, Titox Universe and many others has been decisive in getting to this point.

The first batch of software tested and in working order was uploaded to the FTP server. Now we need few days to make it available in the website area. We need a lot of work and help to continue recopile missing software or unpatched.

If you think that you have a missing app or rare piece of IRIX software , please upload. Thanks to all for contribute.
If admins have no problems about it we want to talk in different threats, about how to patch and make run different apps, in the same way that it has been done in threads like the Alias3 or the Advanced Visualizer.

Lastest versions of historical apps like Softimage or Maya is easy to make it run because they correspond to a period of time in which there were already versions for Windows and the keygens are the same or are valid. But it's very important work to preserve old apps from COFF and IRIX 5 era.
For example we have working Softimage 3.9 ( aka Softimage 4 ), but for us it's very important too work to preserve older SoftImage 2.x or 3.1, 3.5.
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The latest FTP issues have been resolved.

On another note, anyone who want to mirror us, please reach out. The current repo is located in Sweden, so something on the other side of the Atlantic would be cool. We'll setup rsync etc so we keep everything in sync :)
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Reusing an old thread.

For those of you who have been contacting me about being unable to upload software to the Unix Files FTP server; storage space has been extended and you can upload stuff again.

Sorry for the delay.

For anyone interested in mirroring the archive using rsync, please reach to me and we'll set everything up.
We can't have enough sources for software for IRIX and old proprietary Unix distributions

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  • Silicon Graphics User Group (SGUG) is a community for users, developers, and admirers of Silicon Graphics (SGI) products. We aim to be a friendly hobbyist community for discussing all aspects of SGIs, including use, software development, the IRIX Operating System, and troubleshooting, as well as facilitating hardware exchange.

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