
Try making a license.dat file containing the following: (This is a license for SoftWindows2 and SoftWindows95 5.0, and it must be placed in the following directory: /usr/lib/SoftWindows/FLEXlm/ )

FEATURE Insignia_SoftWindows95 insignia 4.000 01-jan-0 0 \
ECE41259D5BE4700DC27 VENDOR_STRING="5100 0100 0000 0001" \
HOSTID=ANY vendor_info=SOFTWINDOWS95 ISSUER="Silicon Graphics, \

FEATURE Insignia_SoftWindows insignia 2.000 01-jan-0 0 \
FC5452A92A01D8F98BF2 VENDOR_STRING="5100 0100 0000 0001" \
HOSTID=ANY vendor_info=SOFTWINDOWS95 ISSUER="Silicon Graphics, \
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For what it's worth TrueSpace 5 runs in Soft Windows95.


Ok, I'm only actually running Softwindows95 4.0, but look below at a post from @defaultrouteuk on IRIX Network:


RE: Running SoftWindows 95 in IRIX
FWIW I saw a thread on SGUG today where one of the members was asking how they can run SW5.0. The response was that there was not a 5.0 license 'in the wild'. Since Irinikus has shown here a SW95 5.0 working fine I figured I'd do a little digging. I came across a 17 year old newsgroup thread suggesting 5.0 uses the same license as 4.0. Indeed it is true and I am living proof.

The 5.0 image is available for download from and is an upgrade to be performed over 4.0.

For me, 5.0 runs just as well as 4.0. In fact I have spent far longer on this than I should, I installed Plus! for 95 and then even installed Windows 98 as an inplace upgrade. I was on an O2 and performance was passable. Following the successful (yes) upgrade the mouse driver failed although sound and video was fine. Windows 98 however, despite the mouse issue became unfeasibly slow and of course highly retarded anyway due to the mack of mouse function.
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I downloaded the .img file from, cut a disk and found that I've in fact been running version 5.0 all along!!!! (So the .tar file that I have is the full version that doesn't require the upgrade!!!)


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