SGI Informational Resources


Storybook / Retired, ex-staff
Feb 4, 2019
Mountain West (US)
Need some information on Silicon Graphics hardware or software? We will attempt to curate a list of useful available information!

If you have any suggestions, please post about it so I can add it to the list.

Document Archives & FAQs
  • Techpubs.Jurassic.NL - Jan-Jaap's SGI Techpubs collection
  • IRIX7 - SGI Techpubs collection
  • SGI FAQs - Detailed question / answer format information on running SGI hardware and software
  • UNIX Rosetta Stone - Equivalent commands across many types of UNIX, including IRIX
Wikis & Collections
Home Pages
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As far as wiki's go, with locked down, should we as a community focus on adding new knowledge to the higher intellect wiki? For example, I've recently done a little bit of vfo work that it would be great to document somewhere.

Edit: Looks like is live and looks pretty nice. So I may just throw things in there for the time being.
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@callahan: Nothing against the IRIX Network wiki and probably a week ago I would have just said either one makes sense, but some recent developments make me think it may not be the most future proof solution for continued availability.

Currently the Preterhuman / Higher Intellect wiki has the most information and seems pretty stable. Apparently the person who runs it is also in the User Group chat! That would be my recommendation at the moment.

Forum posts work for documentation as well although they are not as structured as a wiki.

About us

  • Silicon Graphics User Group (SGUG) is a community for users, developers, and admirers of Silicon Graphics (SGI) products. We aim to be a friendly hobbyist community for discussing all aspects of SGIs, including use, software development, the IRIX Operating System, and troubleshooting, as well as facilitating hardware exchange.

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