Hi everyone,
i'm new on the forum, cause i'm looking for help desperately.
I'm in charge of a SGI Octane, running IRIX 6.5, and i'm completely clueless with this system.
I can deal with other more recent UNIX systems, but i'm really in pain with this one, and unfortunately, i can't do without. Some coworkers are using an old software, who was never edited on another system in the last 20 years, so voila....
In order to provide them more security in case of some lost work, or failing hardware, i managed to duplicate the system on another Octane that i bought on a marketplace.
So now, people can work on the same software, at the same time, but then come a new request.
How to save properly, and how to be able to work on their files from any station ?
I then provided a NFS server, running on a debian VM, i mounted the NFS drive on both Octane, and asked people to save their files in that directory only, but here is the problem i'm facing.
When i list the NFS Server's files from any of the SGI station, they all appears to have the same size, modification date, and content.
When i list the NFS Server's files from the server directly or from another debian machine, all the files are ok.
Exemple : command on the NFS server :
command on the SGI1 :
command on the SGI2 :
command on a random debian server :
I only put a part of the results, as there is hundreds of files in that directory.
Also, as u can see some files are not in the same order.
Thanks for any help you could provide me. If you need more informations, feel free to ask, or to ask me a command to type and display for you, but just keep in my mind that i only have access to those stations via SSH 95% of the time, so without graphical.
Thanks a lot !
i'm new on the forum, cause i'm looking for help desperately.
I'm in charge of a SGI Octane, running IRIX 6.5, and i'm completely clueless with this system.
I can deal with other more recent UNIX systems, but i'm really in pain with this one, and unfortunately, i can't do without. Some coworkers are using an old software, who was never edited on another system in the last 20 years, so voila....
In order to provide them more security in case of some lost work, or failing hardware, i managed to duplicate the system on another Octane that i bought on a marketplace.
So now, people can work on the same software, at the same time, but then come a new request.
How to save properly, and how to be able to work on their files from any station ?
I then provided a NFS server, running on a debian VM, i mounted the NFS drive on both Octane, and asked people to save their files in that directory only, but here is the problem i'm facing.
When i list the NFS Server's files from any of the SGI station, they all appears to have the same size, modification date, and content.
When i list the NFS Server's files from the server directly or from another debian machine, all the files are ok.
Exemple : command on the NFS server :
root@nfs-serv:/home/user1/user2# ls -al
total 67484
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 179751 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwin100Ju13.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 133127 3 janv. 05:42 'sPSTwinAvril!137.msi'
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 167326 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13Cartierdemi.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 129102 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin1.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 128903 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin2.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 129083 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin4.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 119818 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierH.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 75305 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinPlaneThomasPper.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 40769 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinPrim010a.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 18487 3 janv. 05:42 TCB010.msi
-rw------- 1 user1 user1 6092 3 janv. 05:42 test.msi
command on the SGI1 :
sgi1 25# ls -al
total 29706
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwin100Ju13.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwinAvril13Cartierdemi.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin1.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin2.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin4.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierH.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwinAvril!137.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwinPlaneThomasPper.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 sPSTwinPrim010a.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 TCB010.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 2 23:42 test.msi
command on the SGI2 :
sgi2 9# ls -al
total 29706
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwin100Ju13.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwinAvril!137.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierH.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin1.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin2.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin4.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13Cartierdemi.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwinPlaneThomasPper.msi
-rw------- 1 1001 1001 11446 Jan 3 05:42 sPSTwinPrim010a.msi
command on a random debian server :
root@serv-intra:~/nfs-test# ls -al
total 67484
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 179751 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwin100Ju13.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 133127 3 janv. 05:42 'sPSTwinAvril!137.msi'
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 167326 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13Cartierdemi.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 129102 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin1.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 128903 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin2.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 129083 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierHMin4.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 119818 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinAvril13CartierH.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 75305 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinPlaneThomasPper.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 40769 3 janv. 05:42 sPSTwinPrim010a.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 18487 3 janv. 05:42 TCB010.msi
-rw------- 1 servadmin servadmin 6092 3 janv. 05:42 test.msi
I only put a part of the results, as there is hundreds of files in that directory.
Also, as u can see some files are not in the same order.
Thanks for any help you could provide me. If you need more informations, feel free to ask, or to ask me a command to type and display for you, but just keep in my mind that i only have access to those stations via SSH 95% of the time, so without graphical.
Thanks a lot !