Intergraph PowerStorm 4D60T running in an AlphaStation 255 300


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2019
South Africa
Here are some pics of this little beast: (It's an extremely rare card!)






Here it is slotted into my AlphaStation 255 300:



I literally searched all night for the correct driver to enable me to run the card in my machine!!! Here's the link to the site where the file can be downloaded:

Now that the driver is installed on my machine, this is how the card identifies itself:

It shows up correctly as a 4D60T, as it has a 32MB frame buffer and 16MB of texture memory slotted:




This afternoon I tested it, using Quake II running at max settings in GL-mode at 800x600 and it really surprised me, as it ran very smoothly (better performance than I expected!!!)

Here are some pics of Quake II running: (I ran it in a windowed mode, to allow it to run at its proper resolution!)

These are the settings I used:


Here are some screen shots:




One thing to note here, is how good looking this cards output is!!! (The photo's don't do it justice, but believe me it has an extremely good image quality!)

I'm actually quite happy with this!!!! :)
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Just a little bit chunky on Quake but still, neat to see it running on such a machine :)

Thanks! (Unfortunately not the best performance, but at least an original offering for this machine, but lightyears ahead to the Dynamic Pictures Oxygen 202 though!)

I'm currently investigating another card, which I'll hopefully be able to get in the next few months that has a significantly higher pixel fill rate that the 4D60T, which I'll slot into this machine for comparison purposes, it's apparently capable of running Quake II @ 30FPS on an AlphaStation. (I already possess the NT4 Alpha drivers for it!)

One-day I'll release a video comparing Quake II performance on all of the cards that I've had in this machine! (The full upgrade path!)

These are the three cards that I've had in the machine so far:

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Nice! Love those huge cards. I remember reading the import PC magazines in CNA and looking at all the shinies....$25,000 for a machine was around R105,000 back in my day! Unthinkable money then...!
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Nice! Love those huge cards. I remember reading the import PC magazines in CNA and looking at all the shinies....$25,000 for a machine was around R105,000 back in my day! Unthinkable money then...!

It's very interesting to note how the price of later Intergraph cards reduced as their performance increased!

Companies such as SGI and Intergraph did allot of the groundwork (at great expense) allowing for the comparatively cheap high performance graphics systems we have at our disposal today!

Today's youngsters take allot for granted!
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After having to reinstall everything after the unfortunate affair with the defective PowerStorm 350, I ran Quake2 after reinstalling it and it defaulted to a full screen mode, so I decided to benchmark it and found to my surprise that it maintained an average FPS of 13.5 FPS running in a full screen mode!!!

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Cheers bro!

According to your guidance (Yes, all the pictures, dicussions related from Vogons, irixnet and here), I've recently manage to find a 4D60T from eBay.

Also I got a pair of 32MB TRAMs from there (Search for 'MSMT346', there will be surprise ;)) and installed them in my card.

Pairing with a Lynx III Geometry Accelerator, it's now maxed out!

Since I don't have an Alpha station, I used modified Intergraph driver to test the card with Celeron-T 866 MHz + TUSL2-C motherboard + 256 MB PC150 SDRAM, running Win2K. It was recognized as a Realizm Z25-GT (Sadly not a V25 :cry:).

The results were fantastic. This beast was able to run Quake III Demo001 at 1024x768 with the following settings:
GL Extensions: On
Color Depth: 32 bit
Fullscreen: On
Lighting: Vertex
Geometric Detail: High
Texture Detail: Max
Texture Quality: 32 bit
Texture Filter: Trilinear

Average FPS seemed to be at around 9 to 10.

Running a few samples (AWadvs-04 and Light-04) from Viewperf 6.1.2, they told me this card was equivalent to 25%-35% of an Intense3D Wildcat 4210 from Year 2000.

Here's some photos:

Front side:
4D60T Front Side.jpg

Back side:
4D60T Back Side.jpg

Texture RAMs (32 MB x 2)
4D60T TRAMs.jpg

On test bay
4D60T + Lynx III GA.jpg

Recognized with modified driver:
4D60T + Lynx III as Realizm Z25-GT.jpg

Plastic cover and TRAMs removed:
4D60T Cover Removed.jpg

Modified Win2K driver was attached below. If your card's PCI Device ID is 1091 00E3, it should be useful. Otherwise you have to modified the PCI IDs in 'glzsetup.inf' to match.


  • PowerStorm
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Seems to be a standard dimm, but a standard dimm not working… I not able to find where is different, pinout? (the ram chips are standard)

I’ve tried with a pair of standard PC133 32MB SDRAMs (without SPD) on my Realizm II ZX25, and they refused to show up as Texture Memory.
Also tried with a pair of TRAMs (labelled MSMT346) from Intergraph and got the same result.
The MSMT346 has been proven to work with Realizm Z25.
So there should be some specific checking mechanisms. Maybe on the PCB circuits, in the VBIOS or in the driver codes.

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