How to install all the cool demos?


May 26, 2022

after successfully installing the first of my O2s and applying all the patches, I now have a clean system.
What is to do to install all the nice demos with the button fly environment? In which order do they have to be installed or what other packages have to be installed prior to the demos?

What I have here regarding demos is:
21.05.2022 19:56 7.208.960 geargui411demo_irix62-65_20020304.tar
06.06.2022 01:23 515.091 HolliDance.tar.gz
03.07.2022 20:23 438.274.048 Impact Demos CD 6.2.tar
03.07.2022 20:29 159.377.408 IndiZone 1.tar
03.07.2022 20:29 148.328.448 IndiZone 2.tar
03.07.2022 20:30 155.072.000 IndiZone 3.tar
03.07.2022 20:32 542.558.720 IRIS Performer 2.2 Friends Demo CD for IRIX 6.2 and later.tar
03.07.2022 20:33 291.601.408 O2 Out of Box Experience 2.4.tar
03.07.2022 20:40 495.253.504 OCTANE Demos 1.3.tar
10.06.2014 16:40 211.763.200 SGI Demos.tar
03.07.2022 21:00 489.702.912 SGI O2 Demos 1.3.tar
03.07.2022 20:58 202.412.032 SGI-Nintendo-Ultra-64.tar
26.06.2022 21:26 <DIR> SGI_General_&_Platform_Demos_6.5.12-Disc1
03.07.2022 21:03 <DIR> SGI_General_&_Platform_Demos_6.5.12-Disc2
03.07.2022 21:01 579.419.648 Silicon ArtFX.tar

These are mostly extracted CD images.
I haven't heard of any particular installation order and inst should tell you about dependencies (though it may be difficult to figure out which CD they are on). Someone else might know better, though!
Yes, I hope so.
Installations - especially on a fresh install - are quite a dependency hell!
One thing that I've found useful is to open up an Applications CD from an earlier version of IRIX inside of Software Manager. Something like 6.5.8 is what I use, just since I've got a box set for it.

A lot of the 'classic' demos, and the dependencies for them, were removed in later releases of 6.5 - but they can be reinstalled onto them like basically any other package once you've got the CD in there. Things like dog, buttonfly, powerflip, are all there by default - and so are the most common dependencies for them.

With a few exceptions, most of the demo CD content should just work out of box.
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Now that’s an intriguing idea! So they dumped the demos for other stuff in the newer releases.
Since I have a complete original CD set of 6.5.9, I will take a look on the applications disc.
...And it worked!
I found the standard demo set on my 6.5.9 Applications disc and installed it.
Then, I installed the O2 demos and they integrated themselves into the Button Fly environment, so everything is perfect now :cool:.
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