Help make bash script mksh compatible


Active member
Jun 23, 2019
Hi everyone,

I have this script which runs inside /etc/profile.d/

# Initialization script for bash and sh

which() {

  (alias && declare -f) | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --read-functions --show-dot --show-tilde $@


export -f which

It executes whenever the shell is loaded. On this particular computer the default shell is bash, but I'm using mksh for speed reasons. When opening the mksh shell I get an error: 'export: -f: unknown option'

Ideally I want to keep the functionality of this script, but make it mksh compatible while still working with bash.

Is this possible? Thanks
I'd just try to make mksh not read this script, it's not like you need it (frankly, you don't need it for bash either since "which" is a builtin, so you could probably just rename that file to with no ill effects).

I'd also be curious what you're doing with your shell to notice a speed difference between any shell...
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Thanks, you were right, didn't need it after all. Oh this is on a 32mhz computer, so bash takes like 5 seconds longer to open lol :)

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