DIY Cosmo Cable?


Apr 2, 2024
I recently got a very nice Teal Indigo2 with XL, Galileo, and Cosmo Compress. I have an IndyCam coming, but of course I am missing the cable to connect digital ports on Galileo and Cosmo. @mapesdhs has the following site which shows the cable and suggests that cannibalizing two IndyCams may be a solution:

Herb has interior of the IndyCam, and I only count 24pins, which corresponds with the "IndyCam pins" of the connector:

Has anyone tried this approach to DIY cable. What functionality is lost? Would I not be able to send analog video from the Galileo to the Cosmo? Any other approaches to finding a cable?
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I saw someone selling such cable on eBay some years ago, so should be possible.
Holy grud, I actually forgot I even wrote that page. :D Its "last change" date is... disturbing. :}

I never did get round to trying the mod. If you get stuck, I probably have some dead IndyCams, but I suspect it could be hard to splice the connectors while maintaining good signal quality. Just a guess though, my knowledge of this sort of thing is not great. However, I don't know if the wires inside an IndyCam cable connect to the right pins required to mod a Cosmo link cable; if not then you'd have the right plugs, but missing relevant lines, in which case you'd have to open up the plugs and add extra links. Kinda messy, but possibly doable with the right tools, and maybe these days there are options for 3D printing a new plug housing, that sort of thing.
I ended up ordered a 10pack of the LFH60 connectors that don't look too terrible to solder to. I'll cut up some stranded Cat5 and give it a go and report back. I am a little worried about getting the pinout right though.
I ended up ordered a 10pack of the LFH60 connectors that don't look too terrible to solder to. I'll cut up some stranded Cat5 and give it a go and report back. I am a little worried about getting the pinout right though.
Use a multimeter in continuity mode.

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