Total Performance Manager 1.4.0


Oct 22, 2019
today I turned on my 1st Octane2 which I hardly use today since it has an old disk full of Nekoware binaries installed in addition to some commercial software.
This machine has TPM 1.4.0 installed for which some members have asked for information on our Discord.
The configuration of it is already web-based which was modern for early 2000s and afaik the software-package was a licensed 3rd party product with
an SGI branding of that time.
Despite the description says it is for the TP9100 FC-array it works apparently with SCSI-based arrays like the TP900 as well.
As you can see I had no arrays attached while taking these screenshot, but I will update the thread with more info once I have a TP900 or a TP9100
attached to it.

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