SGI Octane scsi problem


New member
Jul 16, 2020

Sorry for all people because it is my first post. But my Octane scsi failed.
It first started with window manager freezing, then I got parity errors during
boot related to scsi.

Now when I boot, I have the message that says that BOTH scsi controllers failed,
and I must replace IP30 motherboard.

How is it possible that both failed the same time ?

thank you


Active member
Jan 13, 2020
Seattle, WA
Can you please clear a fews things up? Does it say this error when you remove all drives attached (externally and internallY) from the system and start it up?

Can you provide the exact text of the error or a picture of the error on the screen?

I've heard of something similar to this happening when a hard drive goes bad in the SCSI chain, signal termination does not work through it and the controller does not know what's going on. See if no drives, or a single new internal drive solves the issue. Just to see if this error message is accurate or not.


Active member
Jun 23, 2019
Also you may want to pull the SCSI expansion bay out and re-seat it, just to be sure.

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