O2 N64 emulator


New member
Aug 6, 2020
I had this little idea for a long time and I recently decided to give it a chance. Given how closely related the O2 and the N64 are from an architecture point of view, would it be possible to write an N64 "emulator" for the 02 ? It would be very cool to have N64 ROMs to run as close as possible to the metal, with minimum modifications, and achieve full speed emulation :cool:

To get an idea wether it is achievable or not, I've started to poke around and run various experiments that I'll relate in this thread. If all goes well, these experiments could lead to something close to an emulator, or these will prove to be a dead end and fail miserably.

Disclaimer : I obviously don't know what I'm doing ! But that's the point, to learn and have fun hacking on the way :)
CPU and Video Interface emulation.

Beginning with the low hanging fruits here.
We will need some test reference code and ROMs, and these will be provided by the excellent Peter Lemon's N64 bare metal code repository .
We will also need a reference emulator that can be debugged. Mame and cen64 will do a great job at it. Unfortunately I was not able to make the cen64 debugger working, probably because it was designed with the gnu toolchain in mind, where Peter Lemons code uses the Bass compiler. But the Mame debugger is working fine.

Now, what happens if you load an N64 ROM into memory, and just jump into the code entry point ? Well, obviously this won't last long, and you will quickly hit a segfault.
Then, what happens if you allocate various memory regions, and patch the ROM code to replace LUI instructions that load known memory regions with your allocated memory addresses ? This time, as long as the code is CPU only, it goes surprisingly well and the code will run without crashing (HelloWorld examples from the code repository above). Below are some screenshots of the Mame debugger on the PC, and GDB running the experiment on the O2 :
Screenshot from 2024-10-07 19-31-04.png

Screenshot from 2024-10-07 19-27-24.png

Obviously, the allocated memory regions have to be aligned on a 0x10000 boundary so you don't have to worry about the lower part of the addresses. Also, the cartridge domain will need to be aligned on a larger boundary (0x10000000) so that the "J" instruction will work without patching.

Now, what are we missing to make the HelloWorld and Framebuffer samples to work ? Some code that handles the VI (Video Interface) registers and displays the framebuffer content according the the pixel format specified in the VI registers. For now we don't care about nasty timing stuff, and just setup an SDL1 window with the correct resolution and pixel format. And here we are, Hello World and Framebuffer setup working !




At this stage there is a lot of questions are raising, like :
  • Will the patching approach last long, will we need at some point a full blown recompiler ? Also, how to detect code boundaries in the ROM and avoid patching some data stuff
  • How to handle control registers ? Possible approach would be
    • Have a separate thread poll control registers memory region (like the current video interface code)
    • Setup control registers memory with mmap and WRITE protect them to a SEGFAULT signal is triggered when a write is attempted
    • Aggressively recompile the code so all memory access goes through proxy functions
Next will be some tinkering with the VICE.
So, why specifically targeting the O2 you may ask ? Because of the VICE !

The N64 RSP is very similar the the O2 MSP. Still not sure about the similarities between the N64's RDP and the O2's BSP, but that's worth investigating.

To check if the O2 VICE can execute N64 microcode, we first have to "take control" of the VICE, as there is unfortunately no documented Irix interface with the VICE. As I understand, there would be 3 ways to control the VICE :
  • Interact through Irix's libvice.so
  • Directly interact through exposed device files, like /dev/vice, /dev/vicedbg, /dev/videdms or even /dev/mem or /dev/kmem as a last resort
  • If none of the above userland options are available, go kernel side with a driver
First I went the libvice route. As this lib is not documented and not supposed to be used by the end user, we'll have to do some kind of RE on the lib. So I imported libvice.so in Ghidra and see what we've got.

Lots of function symbols are available, and decompilation works pretty fine on most of them
Screenshot from 2024-10-07 21-12-21.png

Screenshot from 2024-10-07 21-16-49.png

What can we learn from here ?
  • There is a VICENOISE environment variable that makes libvice verbose :)
  • There are several global variables in the lib that can be used when linked in user code. Some of them are
    • _viceid which holds the version of the VICE chip. The valid values are 0xe1 for the first VICE version (not met in the wild ?), 0xe2 for the VICE DX version, and 0xe3 for the VICE TRE version, as reported in hinv
    • _vice_base which contains an address to a memory mapped region where libvice does most of its interaction
    • _etcp which is an offset in _vicebase
    • _vicefd which holds file descriptors for all opens on the device, seems limited to 64 file descriptors opens at once.
  • The accesses to the vice mapped memory are all offset according to the vice fd, so there is clearly management in the library for concurrent / multiprocess access
  • There is some cryptic ioctls() that will be almost impossible to decypher without kernel code :(
With this I attempted to decode and understand some function signatures in the lib. For example :
  • longlong vice_open(char *param1)
    • param1 : the device special file, eg. /dev/vice or /dev/vicedms
    • return value is a "vice index" (fd) that has to be passed to subsequent calls
  • void *vice_mmap(int param1, longlong param2, int param3)
    • param1 : the vice index/fd
    • param2 : the offset
    • param3 : the length
    • return : pointer to the mapped region
  • undefined8
    vice_load_msp_code(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined8 param_3,undefined8 param_4)
    • param1 : vice index
    • param2 : microcode path (note vice_gfxfile() and vice_file() function are used to select appropriate arch dependent microcodes in the filesystem)
    • param3 : some kind of opaque structure
    • param4 : often 0 ?
  • functions vice_load_bsp_code(...), vice_load_bsp_table(...) and so on have similar signatures to vice_load_msp_code() without the 4th parameter
  • lVar2 = vice_event_start(*param_1,param_1 + 8) : starts microcode execution. param1 is the opaque structure found above.

All of these function are called from various libdmedia encoder/decoders libraries, like vicejpeg.so, vicempeg.so and so on.

With all of that in mind, we can guess that libvice is designed to work closely with dmedia in a multiprocess environment, and implementing some kind of work queue / event mechanism. Also, the mysterious ioctls() and the infamous opaque structure may be very difficult to RE.
I went as far as beeing able to load msp/bsp code and data to the VICE, but couldn't get vice_event_start() to do anything usefull without understanding the structure of the opaque struct argument.

Second attempt was trying with mmap'ing /dev/vice and friends. No luck here either. Not only because the exposed mapped memory is closely related to libvice's specifics described above, but also because control registers do not seem to be exposed, so no point in our use case.

Finally, direct access through /dev/mem and /dev/kmem didn't bring anything, because the (supposed) physical address of the VICE 0xb7000000 is located in kseg1, so not accessible through /dev/mem and no exposed by /dev/kmem (see /var/sysgen/master.d/mem for region accessible via /dev/kmem).

To be continued kernel side
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VICE kernel side

At this point I have to mention the great work of Ilya Volynets and Vivien Chappelier that can be found here . This work is from 2002, and targets linux-mips. It implements a kernel device driver for the VICE, and a libvice for interacting with the device driver. Also worth mentioning is a binutils patch to support BSP.
The libvice code comes with a user code example which supposedly loads a custom microcode in the MSP, loads data associated with it (did I hear "display lists" ? ;)), and retrieves the result.
That looks very promising, but unfortunately it is Linux specific so I couldn't test it as is. But there is definitely a lot to learn here.

Also, the most interesting part eg. the kernel driver is not provided in the page, and does not seem to have ever been merged into the kernel. The work on the kernel driver was supposedly hosted at https://www.linux-mips.org/~glaurung/O2/, but linux-mips.org seems long gone too. Hopefully it is still available through web.archive.org, and the patches can still be downloaded here http://web.archive.org/web/20180830062036/https://www.linux-mips.org/~glaurung/ .

So, back to Irix. With this Linux knowledge, maybe it's time to locate and attempt reversing Irix's VICE kernel driver ? As we did previously, import the Irix kernel (/unix, for the kernel dependencies) and the vice module (vice.o) into the Ghidra project. Unfortunately this time it does not work as well as the libvice stuff, and after importing we are greeted with a lot of error messages looking like
Elf Relocation Failure: R_MIPS_HI16 (5, 0x5) at 00010070 (Symbol = vice_regs_init) - Relocation missing required LO16 Relocation
Elf Relocation Failure: R_MIPS_HI16 (5, 0x5) at 00010084 (Symbol = .bss) - Relocation missing required LO16 Relocation
Elf Relocation Failure: R_MIPS_HI16 (5, 0x5) at 0001009c (Symbol = vice_atom_init) - Relocation missing required LO16 Relocation
And indeed, the decompilation is not as useful as before :
Screenshot from 2024-10-07 22-21-06.png

So, what do these error message even mean ? Using readelf on vice.o gives us he following relevant parts :
Relocation section '.rel.text' at offset 0xbfec contains 478 entries:
Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name
0000000c 00003a06 R_MIPS_LO16 00001b0c vice_regs_init
00000020 00000406 R_MIPS_LO16 00000000 .bss
00000038 00003b06 R_MIPS_LO16 00003c88 vice_atom_init
00000058 00003d06 R_MIPS_LO16 00000000 lock_alloc
00000060 00003c06 R_MIPS_LO16 00000000 plbase
00000068 00000406 R_MIPS_LO16 00000000 .bss
00000078 00003e06 R_MIPS_LO16 000026d4 vice_intr_init

Relocation section '.rela.text' at offset 0xdea4 contains 485 entries:
Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name + Addend
00000008 00003a05 R_MIPS_HI16 00001b0c vice_regs_init + 0
0000001c 00000405 R_MIPS_HI16 00000000 .bss + 0
00000034 00003b05 R_MIPS_HI16 00003c88 vice_atom_init + 0
00000050 00003c05 R_MIPS_HI16 00000000 plbase + 0
00000054 00003d05 R_MIPS_HI16 00000000 lock_alloc + 0
00000064 00000405 R_MIPS_HI16 00000000 .bss + 0
00000074 00003e05 R_MIPS_HI16 000026d4 vice_intr_init + 0
0000008c 00000205 R_MIPS_HI16 00000000 .rodata + 18
00000090 00003f05 R_MIPS_HI16 00000000 printf + 0
With this we understand that the R_MIPS_HI16 are located in one section (.rela.text) and the R_MIPS_LO16 in another (.rel.text). From Ghidra's error message and some reading, it seems that either rel or rela is supposed to be processed depending on various conditions, but not both at the same time. So maybe we can help Ghidra by appending R_MIPS_LO16 relocations in the RelA section ?
For this, I will use the excellent patchelf utility. It's very handy for patching ELF files and if it does not provide the patching operation you need, the code is very easy to understand and well documented.
After a bit of code addition in patchelf for messing with Rel and RelA sections as we need, we get a patched vice device driver (vice_patched.o below) with all relocs in the same section. Time to load in Ghidra :

Screenshot from 2024-10-07 22-33-26.png

Great, no more error messages, and this time the decompilation looks a lot better :)
By having a look in vice_regs_init() init code, we can see some familiar stuff :

Screenshot from 2024-10-07 22-35-12.png

And we get the confirmation that the physical address of the vice is indeed located at 0xb7000000 (-0x49000000 signed in the screenshot above), and some interesting control registers located just after.

Last piece of the puzzle is now : can we access the vice memory from the kernel side with our own device driver ?

Short answer : yes :) After a lot of reading SGI techpubs, I was able to write a small kernel driver that can access the vice memory, and provide a device special file in /hw/vicen64. That file can be opened, mmap'ed and ioctl'ed from userland to interact with the kernel driver.

Next step is attempting to make a minimal kernel driver based on the Linux one, mmap VICE registers and IO memory to userland, and try to load and execute microcode from userland.
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Wow you're amazing :) keep up the good work!

I always thought that with the rom decompilation tools available these days & the availability of sm64ex on IRIX (which can provide a workable front-end, input, sound and graphics driver output) that something could be made.

But it sounds like you're doing an even better job, actually working with the bare metal and taking advantage of O2 specific chips. Very cool!
Holy cow! Im going to absoutly bookmark this project and can't wait to start playing n64 games on the o2! Will you ever add IS-Viewer or even the Indy n64 dev board emulation to this aswell. Ultimate n64 development environment? What spec o2 are you running this on? Incredible work
Vice MSP and BSP

After spending more time poking at the VICE memory mapped by my driver, it occurred to me that for now a kernel driver may not be required after all... The memory exposed by my driver looks exactly the same as the one mapped in /dev/vice and, given sufficient permission we can write at interesting location (eg. control registers). But having a kernel device driver may be handy later.

So, my next goal was being able to control the MSP and the BSP, and make them execute custom code. For these experiments, I unloaded the Irix Vice device driver, to make sure Irix would not interfere with what I was doing.

I started by the BSP, thinking that it was simpler than the MSP, but I was quickly proven wrong. I went as far as (somewhat) loading some code in the MSP IRAM, start execution, watch the Program Counter bouncing around and finally stop. I could also stop and reset execution. Not bad, but at that point I wanted execute something and not let the PC go crazy all over the place. But for that I'll have to tackle 2 problems :
  1. Understand what kind of code actually expects the BSP. I expected it to be some kind of R4k derivative, but it looks like it's not. I probably lack some fundamental understanding here...
  2. Handle writing to the BSP Instruction RAM. My attempts resulted in strange results, with values duplicated every 16bits... once again probably missing something here

Not much success here, so let the BSP aside for a moment and have a look at the MSP.

Thanks to the knowledge provided by the Linux Vice driver, we can try again all of the above with the MSP.
First step was to reset the MSP, fill MSP IRAM (located at 0x2000) with zeros, and start execution. For this, we need to set the Program Counter register at the beginning of the code, and hit the start button :


And watch our program counter :
PC 0000000000002000
PC 00000000000020EC
PC 0000000000003010
PC 0000000000003010
PC 0000000000003010
PC 0000000000003010
PC 0000000000003010
EPC 3000 Cause 8000001C Flags 80
As expected, the PC started from 0x2000, quickly proceed through NOPs up to 0x3000 and stopped there. Because the MSP IRAM is 0x1000 (4K) long, that seems a pretty sane behavior :) Also, we can see that after stopping the exceptions registers are set : the exception occurred at PC 0x3000, but unfortunately we don't have the insights for understanding the Cause and Flags register.

So far so good. No let's try to put some code in the MSP IRAM. For this I will keep using Bass that can output code for the N64 RSP (which we expect to be similar to our MSP), and try the simplest possible code :

Modify our test program to add code loading, rinse and repeat :

Read code size 20
2000: 08000000 00000000 00000000 08000800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
MSP run
PC 0000000000002000
PC 0000000000000000
PC 0000000000000000
PC 0000000000000000
EPC 0 Cause 8000001C Flags 80

Not what we hoped, but not bad :) At the first instruction the PC jumped straight to 0 and stopped here. Maybe we should give some hints to Bass :


Try again :

Read code size 20
2000: 08000800 00000000 00000000 08000800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
MSP run
PC 0000000000002000
PC 0000000000002000
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002000
PC 0000000000002000
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002000
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002000
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002008
PC 0000000000002000
EPC 0 Cause 8000001C Flags 0

Success ! Our PC keeps jumping from 0x2008 (delay slot) to 0x2000 and so on. No more exceptions either (Flags = 0) and if we don't stop it the MSP keeps looping in the background.
Last attempt, we load our code at the very far end of available MSP IRAM and try again :

Read code size 20
2000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
2fe0: 08000800 00000000 00000000 08000800 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
MSP run
PC 0000000000002000
PC 0000000000002170
PC 0000000000002ADC
PC 00000000000022B8
PC 0000000000002E2C
PC 0000000000002DB0
PC 0000000000002768
PC 00000000000020D8
EPC 3000 Cause 8000001C Flags 0

And here we have it, our MSP happily looping through Instruction RAM :)
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First I'll say thank you! I've had a very similar thought about the O2 being a Workstation with the architecture of the N64. Although I haven't had the skills/knowledge to prove it.

A few tidbits, that may plain wrong, theory that needs to be proven or simply rumors, here goes:
1. On N64 IMEM is 4KB, on O2 I understood IRAM to be 6KB. I agree 6KB seems like an odd value, but it could explain your exception at 0x3000. On N64 the block is 4KB and ends at 0x3000, the PC register can be 12 bits and will "naturally" roll over ignoring the upper truncated bits, no error. If it's 6 KB and the PC register is 13 bits the range becomes 8KB and weird things can happen. This kind of extra oddness would be a reason to not promote the creation of custom microcode.
2. The N64 Microcode runs on the RSP, a stripped down R4K processor w/ a COP2 Vector Co-Processor. Decompiling this code is much harder because these are not common instructions in MIPS and certainly not in most decompilers.
3. The O2 COP2 has a few more instructions than the N64, these are byte oriented versions of other instructions.
4. The Microcode was intended to decode standards like MP3 or MPEG video. There would of been extra licensing fees to advertise these features or to include a "logo" in their manuals, so instead I think it "just worked".

Further N64 References: https://ultra64.ca/resources/documentation/
In the Silicon Graphics section I recommend the RSP and RDP manuals, there are some interesting tidbits

P.S. Don't waste time or money on the N64 Keyboard: I already did and RE'd it here: https://sites.google.com/site/conso...s-documentation/n64-specific/randnet-keyboard
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for the linked resources :)

Regarding your comments on IMEM, all the infos I could find about the VICE indicates 4k of MSP IMEM and 4k of BSP IMEM. So the MSP PC behavior looks perfectly fine to me, having IMEM starting at 0x2000 and getting an exception 4k later at 0x3000.
But indeed the VICE has 6k of DMEM (3 x 2k banks) where the RSP/RDP shares 4k, maybe that's what you recall ? For sure that raises some questions regarding DMEM addressing differences between the Vice and the RSP, but for the purpose of emulation I guess it shouldn't be an issue (at least at this stage !).

I didn't have much visible progress lately, but I'm not stuck either ! With the (relative) success with the CPU and the RSP/MSP, I decided to focus my attention on the BSP. Being unable to write anything coherent to the BSP "IMEM" makes me think that's it's maybe not intended to be accessed directly from the main CPU, and the correct way to handle this may be DMA transfers.
That's what I've been working on lately, but this involves a lot more house keeping on the driver's side, in particular TLB and page management.
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Following a cold trail...

After a bit more experiments, I finally got why I couldn't get anything into the BSP's IMEM. The chip is supposedly 16 bits and, despite writing BSP code word by word to the IMEM, I was trying to read it back 64 bits at a time :( (see disclaimer in 1st post !). After fixing this mistake, I could read back exactly what was written to instruction memory.

So, now that we can feed *something* to the BSP, maybe it's time to have a look at that binutils BSP patch from 2002. There is no indications about which binutils version it is supposed to apply against. By having a look at binutils version around that time frame, I downloaded and attempted to patch all versions from 2.12 (~ March 2002) to 2.17 (~June 2006). All patch attempts failed more or less, so I decided to settle with the version that failed less, that is 2.14. After a few hours of tweaking and compiling I finally got the patched binutils to compile.

Time to try to compile something. After having a look at the source code and the instruction set, there is a lot of unusual stuff there, but we can see some familiar MIPS looking instructions adapted to a 16 bits ISA. Here is a quick grep that should give you an idea of the instruction set of the beast :
lh $rAB $imm
lbl $rAB $imm
lbh $rAB $imm
sh $rAB $imm
sbl $rAB $imm
sbh $rAB $imm
lil $rAB $imm
lih $rAB $imm
cmpi $rAB $imm
andi $rAB $imm
addi $rAB $imm
b $imm
beq $imm
bne $imm
bge $imm
blt $imm
bext0 $imm
bext1 $imm
bext2 $imm
jr $rT
jreq $rT
jreq $rT
jrge $rT
jrge $rT
jrext0 $rT
jrext1 $rT
jrext2 $rT
add $rDCD $rSC $rT
addc $rDCD $rSC $rT
sub $rDCD $rSC $rT
subc $rDCD $rSC $rT
and $rDCD $rSC $rT
or $rDCD $rSC $rT
sll $rDCD $rSC $rT
sra $rDCD $rSC $rT
mul $rDCD $rSC $rT
xor $rDCD $rSC $rT
abs $rDCD $rT
copyto $rAltC $rSC
copyfrom $rAltC $rDCD
lhr $rDCD $rSC
lhr $rSC $rT
gtbitsi $bitswallow $rDCD $N
probebitsi $rDCD $N
shiftstream $bitswallow $N
getbitsr $bitswallow $rDCD $rT
genlookuppack $rT
leafrunlevelparse $bitswallow
blockrunlevelparse $bitswallow
loadcodepackH261 $bitswallow $p $imm
blockrunsizeparse $bitswallow
codesearch $q $p
packbitstream $q $L $rT
loadcodepack $q $p $imm
There are also 8 general purpose registers, and some other exotic stuff I still have no clue about.

So let's set the bar low and compile the simplest thing we can, just a "break" instruction (interestingly there is also a "resume" instruction). Then load and attempt to make the BSP run the code :
regs 4000000
buffers 400F000
BSP reset
loop halt
loop halt reset
Read code size 18

4000: 07010200 00000000 00000000 00000100 20000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
4020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
4040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
4060: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
4fc0: 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006
4fe0: 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006 00060006
EPC 8 Cause 0
BSP run
PC 0000
PC 0016
PC 0016
PC 0016
PC 0016
PC 0016
EPC 10 Cause 4

Not so impressive, but at least it's doing what we asked for ! Started with a PC at 0x0000 (or absolute 0x4000, it does not seems to matter which one we load in the PC register), stopped at 0x16 with an exception PC at 0x10 wich is the address of our "break" instruction. I attempted more sophisticated stuff with branches and jumps but didn't get anything to work yet.

It would be nice to be able to disassemble some known BSP code and have a look at how it works. In the previous posts, we noted that libvice loads code from /var/arch/vicedx/ or /var/arch/vicetre/ depending on your VICE chip revision. Here is an example of what your will find on your O2 :
total 144
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 4096 Feb 1 2001 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 root sys 79 Feb 1 2001 ..
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2716 Feb 1 2001 cjfif.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 7680 Feb 1 2001 cjpeg-mcoef.bin
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 650 Feb 1 2001 cjpeg.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2176 Feb 1 2001 cjpeg.btbl
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2564 Feb 1 2001 cjpeg.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 650 Feb 1 2001 cjpeg_luma.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2564 Feb 1 2001 cjpeg_luma.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 1184 Feb 1 2001 dfjpeg.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 3664 Feb 1 2001 dfjpeg.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 3088 Feb 1 2001 djfif.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 304 Feb 1 2001 djpeg-mcoef.bin
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 1276 Feb 1 2001 djpeg.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2688 Feb 1 2001 djpeg.btbl
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 3056 Feb 1 2001 djpeg.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 1088 Feb 1 2001 dvcVLC.bin
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 1450 Feb 1 2001 dvcntsc.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 4064 Feb 1 2001 dvcntsc.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 1460 Feb 1 2001 dvcpal.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 4060 Feb 1 2001 dvcpal411.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 3528 Feb 1 2001 dvcpal420.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 4024 Feb 1 2001 dvencodentsc.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 4024 Feb 1 2001 dvencodepal411.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 3688 Feb 1 2001 dvencodepal420.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 5056 Feb 1 2001 m1tabs.btbl
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 5056 Feb 1 2001 m2tabs.btbl
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2034 Feb 1 2001 mpeg1dec.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 3492 Feb 1 2001 mpeg1dec.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2032 Feb 1 2001 mpeg2dec.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 3548 Feb 1 2001 mpeg2dec.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2032 Feb 1 2001 mpeg2dec_fld.bex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 3548 Feb 1 2001 mpeg2dec_fld.mex
-r--r--r-- 1 root sys 2976 Feb 1 2001 rs.mex
The MEX files are MSP executable code, the BEX files are BSP executables and the BTBL are BSP tables to be loaded in BSP table memory.

Let's attempt to disassemble djpeg.bex (supposedly the BSP part of the JPEG decoder) :
bash-5.0$ ./binutils/objdump -b a.out-bsp -m bsp -D /var/arch/vicetre/djpeg.bex
./binutils/objdump: /var/arch/vicetre/djpeg.bex: File format not recognized
Pretty disappointing indeed :(

But the attentive reader may have noticed that when we loaded our compiled BSP code, we had an object 18 bytes long for a single instruction that should be only 2 bytes :
Read code size 18

4000: 07010200 00000000 00000000 00000100 20000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
The first 16 bytes looks like a header and, if we have a closer look, bytes at offset 2 and 3 looks like our code length. This can be verified by compiling a few code sample and confirm that only these bytes are changing and reflect code length.

So let's take our djpeg.bex object, prepend this 16 bytes header, and hexedit bytes 2 & 3 to reflect our code length, and try again objdump :
Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000000 <.text>:
0: 64 00 abs r0 r0
2: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
4: b5 f0 lil r5 0xf0
6: b4 00 lil r4 0x0
8: 1f 04 *unknown*
a: bc 80 lih r4 0x80
c: 20 00 break
e: 00 00 nop
10: 20 00 break
12: be 80 lih r6 0x80
14: b6 00 lil r6 0x0
16: 00 00 nop
18: 79 c5 *unknown*
1a: 4d fe and r3 r7 r6
1c: 48 3e *unknown*
1e: 19 fb bne 0xfb
20: 00 00 nop
22: 70 20 copyto rpage r4
24: 00 00 nop
26: 81 09 lh r1 0x9
28: 82 0b lh r2 0xb
2a: 64 db xor r1 r3 r3
2c: 86 0f lh r6 0xf
2e: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
30: bd 14 lih r5 0x14
32: 41 6c add r2 r5 r4
34: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
36: 00 00 nop
38: 99 00 sh r1 0x0
3a: 99 02 sh r1 0x2
3c: 9a 01 sh r2 0x1
3e: 9a 03 sh r2 0x3
40: 9b 04 sh r3 0x4
42: 9b 05 sh r3 0x5
44: 98 06 sh r0 0x6
46: 0e 04 cmpi r6 0x4
48: 19 04 bne 0x4
4a: 9e 07 sh r6 0x7
4c: b6 01 lil r6 0x1
4e: be 00 lih r6 0x0
50: 9e 07 sh r6 0x7
52: 81 07 lh r1 0x7
54: 77 b8 *unknown*
56: b7 04 lil r7 0x4
58: bf 00 lih r7 0x0
5a: 51 b7 or r3 r6 r7
5c: 73 f0 copyto mask_h r6
5e: b5 04 lil r5 0x4
60: 77 b8 *unknown*
62: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
64: 65 b7 xor r3 r6 r7
66: 73 f0 copyto mask_h r6
68: b7 00 lil r7 0x0
6a: bf 70 lih r7 0x70
6c: 7c 2f *unknown*
6e: 00 00 nop
70: 79 87 *unknown*
72: 00 00 nop
74: 65 b5 xor r3 r6 r5
76: 00 00 nop
78: 7c 2f *unknown*
7a: c1 cf gtbitsi puke r3 0xf
7c: c1 cf gtbitsi puke r3 0xf
7e: b7 db lil r7 0xdb
80: bf ff lih r7 0xff
82: 71 78 copyto alpha_l r7
84: 71 80 copyto beta_h r0
86: b7 ff lil r7 0xff
88: bf ff lih r7 0xff
8a: 71 f8 copyto beta_h r7
8c: 72 00 copyto beta_l r0
8e: ea 00 codesearch 0x1 0x0
90: b5 30 lil r5 0x30
92: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
94: 41 6c add r2 r5 r4
96: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
98: 00 00 nop
9a: c1 cf gtbitsi puke r3 0xf
9c: c1 cf gtbitsi puke r3 0xf
9e: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
a0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
a2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
a4: 9e 00 sh r6 0x0
a6: 9f 01 sh r7 0x1
a8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
aa: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
ac: 9e 08 sh r6 0x8
ae: 9f 10 sh r7 0x10
b0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
b2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
b4: 9e 09 sh r6 0x9
b6: 9f 02 sh r7 0x2
b8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
ba: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
bc: 9e 03 sh r6 0x3
be: 9f 0a sh r7 0xa
c0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
c2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
c4: 9e 11 sh r6 0x11
c6: 9f 18 sh r7 0x18
c8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
ca: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
cc: 9e 20 sh r6 0x20
ce: 9f 19 sh r7 0x19
d0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
d2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
d4: 9e 12 sh r6 0x12
d6: 9f 0b sh r7 0xb
d8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
da: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
dc: 9e 04 sh r6 0x4
de: 9f 05 sh r7 0x5
e0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
e2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
e4: 9e 0c sh r6 0xc
e6: 9f 13 sh r7 0x13
e8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
ea: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
ec: 9e 1a sh r6 0x1a
ee: 9f 21 sh r7 0x21
f0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
f2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
f4: 9e 28 sh r6 0x28
f6: 9f 30 sh r7 0x30
f8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
fa: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
fc: 9e 29 sh r6 0x29
fe: 9f 22 sh r7 0x22
100: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
102: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
104: 9e 1b sh r6 0x1b
106: 9f 14 sh r7 0x14
108: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
10a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
10c: 9e 0d sh r6 0xd
10e: 9f 06 sh r7 0x6
110: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
112: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
114: 9e 07 sh r6 0x7
116: 9f 0e sh r7 0xe
118: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
11a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
11c: 9e 15 sh r6 0x15
11e: 9f 1c sh r7 0x1c
120: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
122: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
124: 9e 23 sh r6 0x23
126: 9f 2a sh r7 0x2a
128: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
12a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
12c: 9e 31 sh r6 0x31
12e: 9f 38 sh r7 0x38
130: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
132: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
134: 9e 39 sh r6 0x39
136: 9f 32 sh r7 0x32
138: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
13a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
13c: 9e 2b sh r6 0x2b
13e: 9f 24 sh r7 0x24
140: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
142: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
144: 9e 1d sh r6 0x1d
146: 9f 16 sh r7 0x16
148: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
14a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
14c: 9e 0f sh r6 0xf
14e: 9f 17 sh r7 0x17
150: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
152: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
154: 9e 1e sh r6 0x1e
156: 9f 25 sh r7 0x25
158: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
15a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
15c: 9e 2c sh r6 0x2c
15e: 9f 33 sh r7 0x33
160: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
162: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
164: 9e 3a sh r6 0x3a
166: 9f 3b sh r7 0x3b
168: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
16a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
16c: 9e 34 sh r6 0x34
16e: 9f 2d sh r7 0x2d
170: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
172: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
174: 9e 26 sh r6 0x26
176: 9f 1f sh r7 0x1f
178: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
17a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
17c: 9e 27 sh r6 0x27
17e: 9f 2e sh r7 0x2e
180: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
182: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
184: 9e 35 sh r6 0x35
186: 9f 3c sh r7 0x3c
188: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
18a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
18c: 9e 3d sh r6 0x3d
18e: 9f 36 sh r7 0x36
190: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
192: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
194: 9e 2f sh r6 0x2f
196: 9f 37 sh r7 0x37
198: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
19a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
19c: 9e 3e sh r6 0x3e
19e: 9f 3f sh r7 0x3f
1a0: 09 00 cmpi r1 0x0
1a2: 19 04 bne 0x4
1a4: b7 c8 lil r7 0xc8
1a6: bf 02 lih r7 0x2
1a8: 37 07 *unknown*
1aa: 00 00 nop
1ac: c5 87 probebitsi r3 0x7
1ae: 00 00 nop
1b0: 0e ff cmpi r6 0xff
1b2: 19 04 bne 0x4
1b4: 00 00 nop
1b6: ea 00 codesearch 0x1 0x0
1b8: c1 cf gtbitsi puke r3 0xf
1ba: c1 cf gtbitsi puke r3 0xf
1bc: b6 80 lil r6 0x80
1be: be 00 lih r6 0x0
1c0: 41 6e add r2 r5 r6
1c2: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
1c4: 00 00 nop
1c6: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1c8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1ca: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1cc: 9e 00 sh r6 0x0
1ce: 9f 01 sh r7 0x1
1d0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1d2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1d4: 9e 08 sh r6 0x8
1d6: 9f 10 sh r7 0x10
1d8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1da: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1dc: 9e 09 sh r6 0x9
1de: 9f 02 sh r7 0x2
1e0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1e2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1e4: 9e 03 sh r6 0x3
1e6: 9f 0a sh r7 0xa
1e8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1ea: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1ec: 9e 11 sh r6 0x11
1ee: 9f 18 sh r7 0x18
1f0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1f2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1f4: 9e 20 sh r6 0x20
1f6: 9f 19 sh r7 0x19
1f8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1fa: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
1fc: 9e 12 sh r6 0x12
1fe: 9f 0b sh r7 0xb
200: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
202: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
204: 9e 04 sh r6 0x4
206: 9f 05 sh r7 0x5
208: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
20a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
20c: 9e 0c sh r6 0xc
20e: 9f 13 sh r7 0x13
210: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
212: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
214: 9e 1a sh r6 0x1a
216: 9f 21 sh r7 0x21
218: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
21a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
21c: 9e 28 sh r6 0x28
21e: 9f 30 sh r7 0x30
220: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
222: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
224: 9e 29 sh r6 0x29
226: 9f 22 sh r7 0x22
228: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
22a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
22c: 9e 1b sh r6 0x1b
22e: 9f 14 sh r7 0x14
230: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
232: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
234: 9e 0d sh r6 0xd
236: 9f 06 sh r7 0x6
238: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
23a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
23c: 9e 07 sh r6 0x7
23e: 9f 0e sh r7 0xe
240: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
242: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
244: 9e 15 sh r6 0x15
246: 9f 1c sh r7 0x1c
248: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
24a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
24c: 9e 23 sh r6 0x23
24e: 9f 2a sh r7 0x2a
250: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
252: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
254: 9e 31 sh r6 0x31
256: 9f 38 sh r7 0x38
258: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
25a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
25c: 9e 39 sh r6 0x39
25e: 9f 32 sh r7 0x32
260: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
262: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
264: 9e 2b sh r6 0x2b
266: 9f 24 sh r7 0x24
268: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
26a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
26c: 9e 1d sh r6 0x1d
26e: 9f 16 sh r7 0x16
270: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
272: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
274: 9e 0f sh r6 0xf
276: 9f 17 sh r7 0x17
278: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
27a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
27c: 9e 1e sh r6 0x1e
27e: 9f 25 sh r7 0x25
280: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
282: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
284: 9e 2c sh r6 0x2c
286: 9f 33 sh r7 0x33
288: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
28a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
28c: 9e 3a sh r6 0x3a
28e: 9f 3b sh r7 0x3b
290: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
292: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
294: 9e 34 sh r6 0x34
296: 9f 2d sh r7 0x2d
298: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
29a: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
29c: 9e 26 sh r6 0x26
29e: 9f 1f sh r7 0x1f
2a0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2a2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2a4: 9e 27 sh r6 0x27
2a6: 9f 2e sh r7 0x2e
2a8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2aa: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2ac: 9e 35 sh r6 0x35
2ae: 9f 3c sh r7 0x3c
2b0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2b2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2b4: 9e 3d sh r6 0x3d
2b6: 9f 36 sh r7 0x36
2b8: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2ba: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2bc: 9e 2f sh r6 0x2f
2be: 9f 37 sh r7 0x37
2c0: c1 87 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2c2: c1 c7 gtbitsi puke r3 0x7
2c4: 9e 3e sh r6 0x3e
2c6: 9f 3f sh r7 0x3f
2c8: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
2ca: b5 f8 lil r5 0xf8
2cc: 7c 05 *unknown*
2ce: b7 da lil r7 0xda
2d0: bf ff lih r7 0xff
2d2: 71 78 copyto alpha_l r7
2d4: 71 80 copyto beta_h r0
2d6: b7 ff lil r7 0xff
2d8: bf ff lih r7 0xff
2da: 71 f8 copyto beta_h r7
2dc: 72 00 copyto beta_l r0
2de: eb 00 codesearch 0x1 0x1
2e0: c3 cf gtbitsi swallow r7 0xf
2e2: c3 cf gtbitsi swallow r7 0xf
2e4: be 00 lih r6 0x0
2e6: b6 01 lil r6 0x1
2e8: 45 fe *unknown*
2ea: 45 fe *unknown*
2ec: c3 47 gtbitsi swallow r6 0x7
2ee: 45 fe *unknown*
2f0: 19 fd bne 0xfd
2f2: 00 00 nop
2f4: 71 48 copyto alpha_l r1
2f6: 64 49 xor r0 r1 r1
2f8: 64 92 xor r1 r2 r2
2fa: 64 db xor r1 r3 r3
2fc: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
2fe: b5 f0 lil r5 0xf0
300: be 80 lih r6 0x80
302: b6 00 lil r6 0x0
304: 00 00 nop
306: 79 c5 *unknown*
308: 4d fe and r3 r7 r6
30a: 48 3e *unknown*
30c: 19 fb bne 0xfb
30e: 00 00 nop
310: 73 60 copyto cmp_l r4
312: 70 20 copyto rpage r4
314: 73 80 copyto mask_h r0
316: 00 00 nop
318: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
31a: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
31c: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
31e: 00 00 nop
320: 00 00 nop
322: e6 00 blockrunsizeparse swallow
324: b5 06 lil r5 0x6
326: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
328: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
32a: 00 00 nop
32c: 00 00 nop
32e: e4 00 blockrunsizeparse puke
330: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
332: 77 f8 *unknown*
334: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
336: 4d 7d and r2 r7 r5
338: 18 fc beq 0xfc
33a: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
33c: 85 00 lh r5 0x0
33e: 40 4d add r0 r1 r5
340: 99 00 sh r1 0x0
342: 77 68 *unknown*
344: b6 80 lil r6 0x80
346: be 00 lih r6 0x0
348: 41 6e add r2 r5 r6
34a: 73 68 copyto cmp_l r5
34c: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
34e: 73 80 copyto mask_h r0
350: 00 00 nop
352: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
354: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
356: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
358: 00 00 nop
35a: 00 00 nop
35c: e6 00 blockrunsizeparse swallow
35e: b5 06 lil r5 0x6
360: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
362: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
364: 00 00 nop
366: 00 00 nop
368: e4 00 blockrunsizeparse puke
36a: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
36c: 77 f8 *unknown*
36e: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
370: 4d 7d and r2 r7 r5
372: 18 fc beq 0xfc
374: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
376: 85 00 lh r5 0x0
378: 40 4d add r0 r1 r5
37a: 99 00 sh r1 0x0
37c: 75 68 *unknown*
37e: 48 28 *unknown*
380: 18 74 beq 0x74
382: 00 00 nop
384: 0d 01 cmpi r5 0x1
386: 18 3b beq 0x3b
388: 00 00 nop
38a: 77 68 *unknown*
38c: b6 80 lil r6 0x80
38e: be 00 lih r6 0x0
390: 41 6e add r2 r5 r6
392: 73 68 copyto cmp_l r5
394: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
396: 73 80 copyto mask_h r0
398: 00 00 nop
39a: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
39c: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
39e: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
3a0: 00 00 nop
3a2: 00 00 nop
3a4: e6 00 blockrunsizeparse swallow
3a6: b5 06 lil r5 0x6
3a8: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
3aa: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
3ac: 00 00 nop
3ae: 00 00 nop
3b0: e4 00 blockrunsizeparse puke
3b2: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
3b4: 77 f8 *unknown*
3b6: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
3b8: 4d 7d and r2 r7 r5
3ba: 18 fc beq 0xfc
3bc: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
3be: 85 00 lh r5 0x0
3c0: 40 4d add r0 r1 r5
3c2: 99 00 sh r1 0x0
3c4: 77 68 *unknown*
3c6: b6 80 lil r6 0x80
3c8: be 00 lih r6 0x0
3ca: 41 6e add r2 r5 r6
3cc: 73 68 copyto cmp_l r5
3ce: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
3d0: 73 80 copyto mask_h r0
3d2: 00 00 nop
3d4: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
3d6: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
3d8: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
3da: 00 00 nop
3dc: 00 00 nop
3de: e6 00 blockrunsizeparse swallow
3e0: b5 06 lil r5 0x6
3e2: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
3e4: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
3e6: 00 00 nop
3e8: 00 00 nop
3ea: e4 00 blockrunsizeparse puke
3ec: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
3ee: 77 f8 *unknown*
3f0: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
3f2: 4d 7d and r2 r7 r5
3f4: 18 fc beq 0xfc
3f6: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
3f8: 85 00 lh r5 0x0
3fa: 40 4d add r0 r1 r5
3fc: 99 00 sh r1 0x0
3fe: 77 68 *unknown*
400: 41 6e add r2 r5 r6
402: 73 68 copyto cmp_l r5
404: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
406: 73 80 copyto mask_h r0
408: 00 00 nop
40a: b5 03 lil r5 0x3
40c: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
40e: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
410: 00 00 nop
412: 00 00 nop
414: e6 00 blockrunsizeparse swallow
416: b5 17 lil r5 0x17
418: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
41a: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
41c: 00 00 nop
41e: 00 00 nop
420: e4 00 blockrunsizeparse puke
422: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
424: 77 f8 *unknown*
426: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
428: 4d 7d and r2 r7 r5
42a: 18 fc beq 0xfc
42c: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
42e: 85 00 lh r5 0x0
430: 40 95 add r1 r2 r5
432: 9a 00 sh r2 0x0
434: 77 68 *unknown*
436: 41 6e add r2 r5 r6
438: 73 68 copyto cmp_l r5
43a: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
43c: 73 80 copyto mask_h r0
43e: 00 00 nop
440: b5 03 lil r5 0x3
442: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
444: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
446: 00 00 nop
448: 00 00 nop
44a: e6 00 blockrunsizeparse swallow
44c: b5 17 lil r5 0x17
44e: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
450: 72 68 copyto beta_l r5
452: 00 00 nop
454: 00 00 nop
456: e4 00 blockrunsizeparse puke
458: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
45a: 77 f8 *unknown*
45c: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
45e: 4d 7d and r2 r7 r5
460: 18 fc beq 0xfc
462: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
464: 85 00 lh r5 0x0
466: 40 dd add r1 r3 r5
468: 9b 00 sh r3 0x0
46a: 77 68 *unknown*
46c: 41 6e add r2 r5 r6
46e: 70 28 copyto rpage r5
470: 00 00 nop
472: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
474: b5 f8 lil r5 0xf8
476: 7c 05 *unknown*
478: b4 00 lil r4 0x0
47a: bc 80 lih r4 0x80
47c: b5 00 lil r5 0x0
47e: bd 14 lih r5 0x14
480: 41 25 add r2 r4 r5
482: 70 20 copyto rpage r4
484: 00 00 nop
486: 84 04 lh r4 0x4
488: 00 00 nop
48a: 48 20 *unknown*
48c: 18 0a beq 0xa
48e: 00 00 nop
490: bf de lih r7 0xde
492: b7 ad lil r7 0xad
494: be 00 lih r6 0x0
496: b6 02 lil r6 0x2
498: 73 f0 copyto mask_h r6
49a: 00 00 nop
49c: 64 49 xor r0 r1 r1
49e: 64 92 xor r1 r2 r2
4a0: 64 db xor r1 r3 r3
4a2: 84 02 lh r4 0x2
4a4: b5 01 lil r5 0x1
4a6: bd 00 lih r5 0x0
4a8: 45 25 *unknown*
4aa: 19 0a bne 0xa
4ac: 9c 02 sh r4 0x2
4ae: 84 00 lh r4 0x0
4b0: 00 00 nop
4b2: 9c 02 sh r4 0x2
4b4: 84 03 lh r4 0x3
4b6: 45 25 *unknown*
4b8: 19 03 bne 0x3
4ba: 9c 03 sh r4 0x3
4bc: 1f 10 *unknown*
4be: 00 00 nop
4c0: 77 28 *unknown*
4c2: b6 00 lil r6 0x0
4c4: be f8 lih r6 0xf8
4c6: 4d 26 and r2 r4 r6
4c8: b6 00 lil r6 0x0
4ca: be 08 lih r6 0x8
4cc: 65 26 xor r2 r4 r6
4ce: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
4d0: b5 f0 lil r5 0xf0
4d2: be 80 lih r6 0x80
4d4: b6 00 lil r6 0x0
4d6: b7 04 lil r7 0x4
4d8: bf 03 lih r7 0x3
4da: 37 07 *unknown*
4dc: 00 00 nop
4de: bd 01 lih r5 0x1
4e0: b5 f0 lil r5 0xf0
4e2: be 80 lih r6 0x80
4e4: b6 00 lil r6 0x0
4e6: 00 00 nop
4e8: 79 c5 *unknown*
4ea: 4d fe and r3 r7 r6
4ec: 48 3e *unknown*
4ee: 19 fb bne 0xfb
4f0: 00 00 nop
4f2: b7 0d lil r7 0xd
4f4: bf 90 lih r7 0x90
4f6: 00 00 nop
4f8: 1f fe *unknown*
And that looks like a very plausible BSP source code to me :)

With what we just learned, we can indeed strip the 16 bytes header from compiled code and it will run just fine on the BSP.

Now that we have a better understanding of the BSP, it is clear that it is a very different thing to the N64's RDP... But is it so different ? After all, they share a common goal that is bitstream processing. So, would it be possible to replicate the RDP behavior with our BSP ? :unsure: That would definitly be a very long shot...
Last edited:
Just checking, do you already have the "VICE Design Specification 099-0123-003" PDF?
I stumbled onto it by accident, turns out NetBSD developer Michael Lorenz (macallan), actually had it uploaded on the NetBSD CDN besides the CRIME 1.5 specification, in a file called "docs.tar.bz2", which also contains the "GBE ASIC spec for REV1.1" PDF.

With the MACE, VICE, GBE, and CRIME 1.5 specification documents being available, I think other than the R5k/R7k specific CRIME 1.1 specification (which the R10k/R12k CRIME 1.5 spec does touch upon somewhat, detailing differences between the revisions), that should be all O2 ASICs :cool:

Doesn't seem like it's particularly well-known, given the documents aren't indexed on search engines and such due to being in a compressed tarball.
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Wow :oops:

I must say I have no words to THANK YOU enough for sharing this ! This is a pure gold mine of infos I couldn't even hope to find for this project... Everything is in there !
I've always wondered how the authors of the drivers and patches from 2002 gathered all this knowledge of the chip, now I have the answer.

Once again, a HUGE THANK YOU :)
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Wow :oops:

I must say I have no words to THANK YOU enough for sharing this ! This is a pure gold mine of infos I couldn't even hope to find for this project... Everything is in there !
I've always wondered how the authors of the drivers and patches from 2002 gathered all this knowledge of the chip, now I have the answer.

Once again, a HUGE THANK YOU :)

No problem, as soon as I realized what was in that tarball, I figured it'd be good to share it as it seems to be thought of as a long lost document.
If the tarball truly has been there since 2011, it's been hiding in plain sight for a long time!

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