My IBM Intellistations (Power 9114 Model 275)


New member
Sep 14, 2020
Toronto, Canada
In my collection I have two of these nice IBM Intellistations. They were sitting in a guy's garage unused for 5 years, and the bases were starting to rust. Both were completely stripped down, cleaned and checked. I've got doors now on both of them, though they are for eServer P5's (same case, just haven't been able to find the ones specific to the workstations yet). Both are running AIX v6.1.


Intellistation #1
1-way Power 4+ 1.0GHz cpu
GXT6500p gpu
4x 75gb hdd
8gb ram

Intellistation #2
2-way Power 4+ 1.45GHz cpu
GXT4500p gpu
2x 36.5gb hdd
2gb ram
*SCSI controller issues, so is currently down for repair*


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