indy power button -- behaviour change


New member
May 30, 2022
hi all,

my kid pressed the power button of my indy the other day while the OS was running and it powerd-off immediately. is it possible to change this behaviour to either prevent the power button do that or make it shutdown the OS gracefully?
i did a search on the net but could not find anything useful at first glance.

i will showcase the indy on one event after couple of weeks -- ideally people should not be able to shut it immediately by quickly pressing the button.

best regards,
I don't belive you are able to change how the Indy shuts down by pressing the power button. Around this time soft power was just starting to appear on sgis and in computers in general so the behavior is pretty hard wired. The best way to shutdown is running 'init 0' or shutting down in the ui. Some later sgis like the o2 and octane will try to shutdown gracefully but its still not the best way to turn them off to prevent filesystem corruption.

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