Indy CPU benchmarks


Active member
Dec 13, 2019
The Great White North
I'm looking for anybody that has done CPU benchmarks on their Indys. I'm looking at benching both integer and FPU performance, and possibly applicaitons as well.

I know that Ian Mapleson has done this for some Indy CPUs, but not all. See:

I think it would be helpful to get a better, accurate picture of what the price/performance trade-off is when looking at upgrades, as the CPUs are going up in price and harder to find. It's all about finding out the best "bang for the buck".

I'll start by saying I have two Indys with 8 bit XL graphics. One is a R4600 at 133 MHZ with no secondary cache, and the other is the R4600 133MHz with the 512kb SC.


Jul 23, 2020
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
I recently redid both movie data conversion tests and also the Lynx compilation test for almost all IRIS Indigo, Indy, Indigo2, O2 and Octane configurations, so that the results are now based on using the same disk, OS version and compiler version where possible. Please see (this is my main site btw):

I still need to rerun the tests on various newer systems (Fuel, Tezro, Origin, etc.) but that will have to wait as in many cases I no longer have access to the relevant parts.

Hope this helps! :)

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Dec 13, 2019
The Great White North
Wow thanks @mapesdhs! That's a pretty great comparison between CPUs in terms of number crunching. I threw it in Excel and played around with the sorting. It seems pretty clear from this series of benchmarks the 4600 dosen't do so well. It's interesting cause in other benchmarks it seemed to be in the lead.

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