Fujitsu SCSI Drives


Active member
Dec 21, 2019
Somerset, United Kingdom
So I have a few Worldisk / Fujitsu MAS 36GB drives and one Fujitsu MAU 36GB drive. From the spec sheets it seems the MAU drive is an Enterprise class drive with 1 disc and 2 heads + faster internal transfer speed. The MAS drives appear to be server grade drives, 2 discs and 4 heads with slower internal transfer speeds. The MAS is rated at <3.6dB and the MAU at 3.6dB, both have FDB. The MAS has rotary VCM with digital servo while the MAU only has VCM. The MAS also states additional read head element tech, but I suspect much of that is incorporated into the MAU drive...not sure?

The MAS drives seem slightly less noisy for head movements...but is there really much difference between them?

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